Should we focus on Compliance or Security? When we meet with prospective customers who are examining their cybersecurity options, they often ask how much they need to do to become compliant. Especially in the financial industry, that question typically revolves around...
Tales of social media and social engineering Do you know how much of your personal information is available online and waiting to be used against you? You might be surprised at how much is available. Many people do not consider the volume and depth of information...
Are you concerned that the bad guys will hack you and you won’t know it? Many companies are already hacked and don’t know until its too late. Why wait to become a victim? At Cyber Assurance, we prefer to hack ourselves and our customers before the bad guys do. We use...
President Joe Biden recently urged U.S. companies to make sure their digital doors are locked tight because of “evolving intelligence” that Russia is considering launching cyberattacks against critical infrastructure targets as the war in Ukraine...